I feel that I have my life back again

Sport is a major part of my life and 8 weeks ago I was practically immobile due to the severe pain in my Achilles tendon. I could not walk 100 metres, driving was very difficult, and the concept of completing an Ironman 70.3 race ever again was over.

I am eternally grateful to Mr Bowler and his team in the Bons Secours Hospital and the Cork Clinic. His holistic, multidimensional approach was second to none. His genuine interest in relieving my pain was palpable. I loved that the least invasive treatment was applied first, and when surgery was the final option Mr Bowler clearly walked me step by step through the surgery. Post-operative care, in the middle of a pandemic, was comprehensive, safe and so caring.

Post-surgery, Mr Bowler showed me video footage of the operation, and clearly explained the two procedures he had completed. His enthusiasm and positivity about the outcome served to put fire in my belly, and gave me aspirations of racing again, after 16 months of despair, pain, tears and hopelessness.

8 weeks post-surgery, I can walk 10k, spend 20 mins on the turbo and 20 mins in the pool. I feel that I have my life back again and am so appreciative of a consultant who saw and heard me as a person, irrespective of my date of birth.

At the risk of sounding melodramatic, I owe my ‘new’ beginning to the skill, kindness, and humanity of Mr Declan Bowler.


Yvonne D